Best snack?

måndag 6 juni 2011

28 kommentarer:

  1. Its so unfair :( followed!

  2. I don't think I could handle that much fame.

  3. Oh Justin Bieber. Another Aaron and Nick Carter, a male Britney Spears. I can't say that I love his music, but it is catchy, as most pop is (I'll always hold a spot in my heart for Baby though). I think given all the publicity he has received, and all of the negative things said about him on the internet, he's a pretty strong kid.
    I have an issue with him coming out with an autobiography at 16: that's just ridiculous.
    But no, I don't think I could handle that much fame either. If I were famous, I'd be a classy famous person, like Meryl Streep or Glenn Close.

  4. I'm just jelly of him to be honest.

  5. I think he is a legend, i dont like his music but he is set up for life with money and girls, fairplay.

  6. High trees catch a lot of wind...

  7. i think that he is just lucky

  8. Eh, not my music but people love him.

  9. I'm trying to grow my hair like his

  10. Dont forget; more you hate, stronger it gets:D

  11. I like your style of writing :) following you.

  12. god i hate that kind of music!
    at least rock will never die!
    no one will listen jb in 10 years from now

  13. Couldn't care less and every thread or post about him makes him more popular...

  14. I don't hate Justin Bieber, I just don't like him. I think it's just the fact that he's a manufactured pretty face by big music corporations for the soul purpose to make a bunch of money. He isn't genuine, his music stinks, he's not talented, and he's turned a bunch of 14 year olds into cock hungry beliebers.... but that's just what I think.

  15. Haha, first time I've seen someone defending the Biebs, personally not a fan myself.

  16. I dont like him either. glad we agree on something. :)

  17. I dislike, just her personality gets to me. So airheaded and stupid.

  18. I agree. I don't like justin beiber haters

  19. Im not a fan of him, but i dont hate him. Just not my style of music.

  20. im a very tolerant man, so i even tolerate my gf to listen to his music. but myself, no its just not mine.

  21. Lucky boy, many haters, many are just jealous..still I don't like him really :)

  22. i used to be a hater, but i just grew out of it

  23. He's gay... and will come out when he's older.

  24. Have you seen his girlfriend, of course we're jealous!

    Keep up the great post!

  25. justin bieber is not that bad, anyone in his position would have done the same things

  26. I hate him, just because he looks stupid. :)

  27. I really am indifferent, he can do what he wants to do. I just hope he doesn't succumb to the fame and become another douche who thinks he is better than what he really is.

  28. Don't really like his music but the kid sure is lucky he made it big.
